

Travel Request Form

  • Tour Title

    Inquiry (Darshan Tour)

  • * Required

    • First Name*
    • Last Name*
    • Country / Region*
    • Postcode / ZIP*
    • Town / City*
    • Street Address*
    • Phone*
    • Email address*
    • Age*
    • Nationality*
    • Spoken Language*
    • Picture*


      *Maximum photo size is 5MB

    • Spiritual Name
    • Room preference*

      name of person requesting shared room, if not, please write 'none'

    • Allergies

      if any

    • Additional Information

    Terms and Conditions & Policy

    Thank you for your application. We will notify you about your status within 10 days after applications close. Please note, you are not guaranteed a spot until your application has been accepted and full payment has been received.

    I agree to the Terms and Conditions and noticed the Privacy Policy.

    Voluntary Declaration of Consent to Photo, Film Recordings and/or Livestream content as below:

    I agree that during the tour, organized by Bhakti Marga Japan, that pictures and/or videos of me as a participant may be taken. Images will be taken and published by Bhakti Marga Japan or Bhakti Marga, for the purpose of publishing and broadcast live on the Bhakti Marga Japan or Bhakti Marga website or in (print) publications, on the Facebook page, on the Instagram page, on the Flickr, on the YouTube channel of Bhakti Marga Japan or Bhakti Marga. (content may be used and saved for this purpose).
    I know that I can refuse to grant consent or can withdrawal either of them at any time with future effect. I can exercise my withdrawal rights with regard to Bhakti Marga Japan via the following email info@bhaktimarga.jp

    I agree to that I will not take any photos or videos of the booked tour for the purpose of public use or public publication on all common online platforms, such as YouTube, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook etc. A purely private photo - or video recording, without the recording of other participants for private use, is allowed.

    I agree to that the use of data of a special category Art. 9 par. 1 GDPR, here religious or ideological convictions for further purposes. If I enter my SPIRITUAL NAME in the Travel Application Form, I am aware that this is information relating to my religious and/or philosophical beliefs pursuant to Art. 9 (1) GDPR. I expressly agree that Bhakti Marge Japan can use my spiritual name when contacting me. My spiritual name is given for the purpose of registration. I know that I can refuse to grant consent or can withdraw either of them at any time with future effect. I can exercise my withdrawal rights vis-à-vis Bhakti Marga Japan via the following email: info@bhaktimarga.jp